On Sat, Dec 03, 2016 at 11:33:47PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Black TV Host Takes on David Duke with Incredible Interview http://davidduke.com/black-tv-host-takes-on-david-duke-with-incredible-inter... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki4izqElwaM August 3, 2016 ~1 GiB ("best")
Times are changin people ...
Classic stat: The USA (private) Federal Reserve, doled out $27 billion to the "too big to fail" banks. This year, the USA government "national / public debt" stands at $19 trillion. So back in 2008, at a public debt of around say ~$17 trillion, if that $27 billion bailout "funds" had instead gone 100% to the government, and the banks had been allowed to simply fail / fall over, then the USA government would have done the following: - eliminated the USA's public debt, to $zero outstanding - had a budget surplus of $10 trillion "just lying around" on top of that "Slaves, get back in your box and work!" "Fricken humans, thinkin they can have freedom - freedim's only for the banks you fool!"