And so as privacy coins rot down privacy networks lurch up. The top two privacy blockchains include Mina Protocol, with a 23.2% market share, and Oasis Network, with a 13.6% market share. CoinGecko noted that in January 2021, privacy coins had a 96.6% share of the crypto privacy market, amounting to a $4.62 billion market capitalization. Privacy-Security Conundrum In Blockchain While blockchain excels in security and transparency, it presents a unique challenge when it comes to privacy. The very transparency that makes blockchain so appealing can also be a double-edged sword. Balancing the need for privacy with the benefits of an open ledger is a critical issue in blockchain development. This challenge has led to the emergence of privacy-centric blockchains and cryptographic techniques aimed at reconciling these seemingly contradictory requirements. https://www.searchmyexpert.com/resources/blockchain-technology/privacy-secur.... Reposts not yet more Gunnar drivel from worlds biggest shithole country