8 Sep
8 Sep
4:02 a.m.
dumb tor cunt doesn't understand nuance
talk about yourself, troll.
sure, I'm a subject of the US government.
why you running from the bukakke juan...???? you are a citizen of the usa.
so I'm US subject who calls US subjects americunts
another your troll operations.
he's a corrupt fuck on the pentagon's payroll
hero, did more good talkin in public not even mentioning tor, than your feeble ass on any topic.
razer's the shit and seen more action
da shizznit
US gov't employee - that's what the rayzer believes eh?
yet another corrup tor fanboy
see how juan put tor in everything, another operation to dodge and twist away.
enyoy your trolling and spamming
look at yourself bitch nigger.