Well I'm up late researching Huawei and ZTE so I'll bite. If maximization of trade and minimization of its regulation is your touchstone, to the point you call them "the facts of life," how do you account for counterexamples such as the Indus Valley Civilization or those goatherders up in the Himalayas today who have never bothered to come down to apply for a credit card or anything else related to capital? Do you just refuse to countenance counterexamples and throw verbal feces at people who do? It seems out of intellectual honesty, you could just say something like, "trade maximization is everywhere in our present civilization" and that would be your major premise in a Barbara-class syllogism. Then your minor premise could be something like "Gunnar Larson prefers trade maximization" leading to the conclusion "Gunnar Larson thinks our present civilization is the best of all possible worlds." It's a little slippery, and not everyone would concur, but at least it would make more sense than spamming instagrammed oneliners. On 2024-09-08 03:00, Gunnar Larson wrote: