29 Nov
29 Nov
3:03 p.m.
https://it.slashdot.org/story/17/11/28/2135236/macos-high-sierra-bug-allows-... The title pretty much says it all - you can login as root with no password, or elevate to root privileges to make system changes with no password, on all the current MacOS High Sierra releases. There is a work around (I think you simply have to enable the root account, with a password), but man.. wtf !? It shouldn't affect sshd - PermitRootLogin defaults to no. However it does appear to affect VNC / Apple Remote Desktop connections. LOL! How does something like this get past QA ? -- GPG fingerprint: 17FD 615A D20D AFE8 B3E4 C9D2 E324 20BE D47A 78C7