oh my goodness i'm on my misbehaving android phone, in my tarp shelter, there's snow around outside, its 0815 EST, and I downloaded my code and ran my test - I got a fast block confirmation ! - the python interpreter displayed an error I wasn't seeing on my other system, showing I was getting block header updates yay 0817 ---- above content was apparently left as a draft, unsent, some days ago. it's now 2021-11-29, 1211 ET. goal: make BCAT sending easy to use. BCAT is simply a protocol i'm familiar with that supports files of roughly arbitrary size. don't need to support all features, just get it working. uh-oh! psychological issues! libridiculoushopelessshredofaperson will find a way to continue. tx sending in test.py is stable now, pleasantly. sometimes takes a few tries to start up, since one of the peers is down. 1219 libdestroythislibrary libflushesitself libincineratesandflushesitself sometimes when my node is 'flushing state' i imagine it swirling down a powerful toilet i want to write that code! 1236 . handled a phone call. libflushthatcodeaway! 1301 . i did other things instead, i think. don't remember well. libfindscodethathasntbeenflushedyettoreport 1303 my water container full of ice fell of the truck. i wonder if i move my body in some way that slowly jiggles and slides it or something. Switching gears to handle that. 1329 i also went for a walk. libfindsbitsthatcouldpossiblyberecoveredandsearchesforeverforwaystomorethoroughlydestroythem ! 1356 libdoitright .. or at least a little more right. 1426 i've been trying to code some bitcom data processing. i'm just familiar with bitcom having struggled with the formats in the somewhat-recent past. libshredsyourdatalikenothingelse libgrindserverlogsintoapulp ! libgroundupshreddedserverlogs . 1515 libgurglingasexcrementflowsdownthepipe,lostforever pipe.write(preciousdata) free(preciousdata) pipe.flush() pipe.flush() pipe.flush() sleep(random()) pipe.flush() 1518 i am coding this toilet system right now. i am not using it ... yet. 1521 1525 libflushesprivately 1530 1547 libdropspalacebombintoilet,privately 1553 libflushesandruns libamoreprivatetoilet 1553 1711 woot woot! i totally did lots of work on continuous desecration of data. check this out: $ ./test_flush_stream.py FEE: 200 FEE: 200 -> server.banner <- ________ __ _ __ / ____/ /__ _____/ /________ ______ ___ | |/ / / __/ / / _ \/ ___/ __/ ___/ / / / __ `__ \| / / /___/ / __/ /__/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / / / / | /_____/_/\___/\___/\__/_/ \__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_/|_| Only download ElectrumSV Client from: https://electrumsv.io/ ElectrumX 1.20.2 SV.SATOSHI.IO Donate to sv.satoshi.io: 12YMrYuP9o7zrmhM3MCG2WCAqLkHYCkZSP -> blockchain.headers.subscribe <- {'hex': '00e0ff27b3a01c71e4aaf0ccddb2260318a6040d50d4fa16d496b8040000000000000000d98805f2013733f7d4d9165fa2134c122c6ce73efce0a9e1194d94d2d7a638a0a54fa5617ef81318b6799a58', 'height': 715674} WARN: bugs not fixed yet => Provide waste on stdin to flush it down the cryptographic toilet in a corrupt, broken manner <= -> blockchain.scripthash.listunspent 4ee317805c5d1f00e3c18d313da7be21456ea844fa49640741064a99ca103442 <- [{'tx_hash': '67cc6331f245a223748a72a54e6ed877a8360d5379b1745182e78649d5628085', 'tx_pos': 1, 'height': 0, 'value': 634050}] -> blockchain.relayfee <- 1e-06 -> blockchain.estimatefee 100000 <- 1e-05 flush me away FEE: 167 -> blockchain.transaction.broadcast 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 <- 0f986ee500bcc8c202fe46babfd3881e37050b0c6750a7736dfcd9d5f5dd6cbe FEE: 207 -> blockchain.transaction.broadcast 0100000001be6cddf5d5d9fc6d73a750670c0b05371e88d3bfba46fe02c2c8bc00e56e980f010000006b483045022100a1db5cbb97f2688b93e1d2a317b50de9a1a11e928250817ebecb3bf15f49695402205d9994e41dec348167cca182d6472969906a9133ceef439841c0fc12b9d285e841210295dedb4359dc23750aff7c8eb15cc438f1e6fb65f16f3aee2060257a1a759b3e000000000200000000000000005d006a22313544484678575a4a54353866396e6879476e735242717267774b345736683455700774657374696e670100010008746573742e747874010020be6cddf5d5d9fc6d73a750670c0b05371e88d3bfba46fe02c2c8bc00e56e980f4cab0900000000001976a914f668fc1c1e986226116b21a4dd110dc61595b98088ac00000000 <- 45dfd60474b276fa59abe7e1c3c3646bac451cfbb16c385cbea99a7234851b3f WARN: bugs not fixed yet flush was: 45dfd60474b276fa59abe7e1c3c3646bac451cfbb16c385cbea99a7234851b3f