This war against our fundamental freedoms in particular the freedom to communicate within our community, is relentless. And as in Atlas Shrugged (as poor literarily as that is), The Man is coming for you, targetting you, you personally, and no you are not "one of the good guys", you are one of targetted, one of the terrorists, no matter who you are, since this is the nature of "the beast", "evil", "the man" or whatever term you may wish to use. This targetting of the individual is achieved by all the usual means, propaganda, divide and conquer etc - and so those who today promulgate (as Razer does) "nasty free speechers who, Oh My Firetrucking God send out MEMES!!! are you f#king kidding me that's so evil they must all be immediately murdered alread", will in their turn become the targetted, since evil ultimately knows no boundaries. The fact the (((some))) of the (((exalted chosen ones))) fail to see this fundamental truth, is perhaps a little of the story which has gotten them as a tribe/group, into trouble so many times historically. Either I stand for your freedom as much as for mine, no matter how vehemently I might disagree with you, or I am sacrificing the freedom of us all, which of course must necessarily include myself. It is saddening that such basic principles are either not seen, or so easily discarded by those who boldly proclaim their "anarchist" cred. Cest la vie, fellow souls, cest la vie. Yes, yes, I know this is alsmost unfathomable to certain loud lurkers round these parts who skate the Razer's edge of incitement to murder on the streets, lambast any discussion of those "bad" facts (the ones that are less equal than others), and rail against the free speech of whichever latest group of the day opposes Antifa, but yes, this crack down will even come for you one day, Razer, and thought this may be karmically appropriate, it shall be as sad a day as today, where your opposition is being relentlessy attacked in order to stop them sending out memes. Folks, unfortunately there appears to be no easy answers except to keep striving for "more free speech" and assisting those (EVERYONE) whose free speech is being suppressed - whether that is TDS today, or Razer tomorrow. I suspect that the (((religious opposition))) to free speech shall continue, and prevail, and thus ultimately continue to exacerbate those pent up viewpoints which can explode into actual civil and/ or international war, and that in fact this is the intended outcome. Ultimately it is up to you and I to take a stand FOR our fundamental freedoms - if we don't, who will? (Certainly Razer doesn't, and won't.) Good luck all, interesting times ahead. ** Ron Paul’s “Liberty Report” being economically censored by YouTube http://theduran.com/ron-pauls-liberty-report-being-economically-censored-by-... ------------------------------------------------------------ Julian Assange exposes YouTube's crack down on free speech, which now includes Ron Paul.