making a hat: - plotting measurement points involves identifying basic features of the head, like the bump over the back of the head. i tried finding a good iso in amide that showed my skin and everything, but when i set the iso to this in dicom2mesh (or dicom2stl which does the same thing by calling out to vtk under the hood), it also shows other things in the output, like restraining devices they had placed on my head and chest, or noise for my hair, which obscure the surface. how to make this not too complex, but provide for these things? maybe if i made my own isosurface extractor, it would be easier here. if an existing visualizer provides for detecting clicks, the user could maybe click objects to remove them, etc ... 0220 0253 so, embodi3d does this for you there are also a lot of AI models out there to work with this data, although they tend to focus on organs rather than the outside but maybe it would be simplest for the user to click on the top of their head, and then follow connections from there :s something like - no other objects than the one clicked - stop at thresholds for e.g. accumulated change in normal vector, especially divided by distance O_O still kind of big for confused-up karl :s maybe it would make more sense for now to manually extract a model of a head using tools, and then feed that to something the next steps would be plotting points for placement on surface, where openings would go in the hat or maybe more directly, figuring out how to design it to fit the surface. this seems the way to go. so we could assume we have a model of a scalp, and then try to figure out where to fit it [energy reduced. unsure what future is for project.] [next step: find a 3d object and fit a sewing design to its surface.