On 12/26/20, Chris Olesch <g13005@gmail.com> wrote:
Looks like the underground cabling was the target
The pressure blew the covers sure, but that comms theory makes no sense unless as leverage into another main objective elsewhere... where's the main event. It's not Jihadi. It's a dumb building, so not a political target. They clearly didn't want anyone to die, so that mental element is out. More likely is... - Something happening in there they wanted disrupted, badly. - Another in the anti-infra trend, for which knocking out your own usage, or inspiring copycats that do, isn't exactly brilliant. - An [ex] employee dropping off a Christmas present for the boss. - Retarded anti-5g They appear to have underestimated the amount of boom needed to truly handle a telecom bunker. What's really unusual / remarkable is the audio warning message, assuming it came from the RV vs police on scene. The internet will figure it all out in 24hr... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk2VDa9XC30 Adventist Prophecy Pippenger Islam Nashville Nuke And the TV and politicians will be screaming "terrorism" FUD 24hrs a day for months as usual, and stripping your freedoms away.