Hopefully you realized that working for the pentagon promoting trash like tor is a bad idea?
If Tor offers him a job, I'm sure he'll go to America. But other Tor volunteers don't want him among them. Anyone with a mind knows Tor doesn't promise privacy. He was never transparent about Tor. He could tell the truth people, but he didn't want to. That's what someone in Tor told me years ago about him. And he brought it up himself,ı’m sure no one there wants him among them. “Also, IDK how to say this, but Jake Appelbaum is not known for his leadership or ability to land a project or code quality. Ethics aside, I wouldn't trust him to plan a dinner party, much less a computer vision firm, yanno?” I don't think most people working for Tor have a good “code quality”. It's not just for him. And most of them have a good salary and a career. I'm also going to go over his doctoral thesis later,but there are much better books to study.