pattern pattern isn't sure what to do T_T with chipmunk urges keep happening in pattern world with importance and result into spaces without provision for them :( this might be last email in 24 so not hitting send. 1938 we discovered a new theory around zombie monks btw !!!!!!!!! it turns out that zombie monk doesn't "turn" and cause all the monks to flee rather, there are so many monks it isn't needed. they can help the zombie monk, i think ! i only remember/developed a little smidge. oh! hmm uhhh ummmm we learned the story came from a semiprivate exchange of ... material that implies results. we are unsure of ... connecting it here to this channel. maybe it's interesting i dunno! no it was personalish. 1940 it does have some interest, idea of zombified nice person that resists zombieism. is a hot topic in the present 7 seconds. hot topic! of interest! ok one of the analogies is to the experience of people with DID who learn to stabilize. apparently it's possible to stabilize >_> :/ nobody is quite sure or trusting or understanding of this. does it count if it's not integrative???? maybe? i dunno. ummmmmm it was painful how it was showed to us th( oops _anyway_ zombies think it is awesome that there might be therapies to stop eating brains, even if it feels like eating your own or whatever. most zombies don't want to eat brains, over here. so apparently if you work with a huge clump of experience zombie monks and non-zombie monks they can help you. i guess it makes sense when you think of it that way! in fact i can even imagine how it would develop! we've even done similar things internally ! O_O O_O 1942 karl write how it would develop some um if you know uhhh so at first you have a problem where the monks are unfamiliar with zombieism and vice versa and they get eaten. but the monks are determined (the zombies are determined too but we focus on the monks (maybe better word needed?)) [how about carers] the care-ers are so determined to care that they find creative approaches to do this despite the zombies. thicker walls, tricking zombies, learning to heal zombie hearts, they learn different things. but eventually you have care-ers that can function in the face of zombieism [oh i think i see it ...] [but it is easy to forget, we would need to write and repeat it a few times] [some of us have guesses at it building/made in small private spaces] so uh 1. chaos 2. care-ers who can keep caring with zombies around 3. zombies that care but also eat brains 4. zombies that don't eat brains, surrounded by zombies that care that understand them, and care-ers who can handle zombieism that support them. once you have four can hit 5. the zombies that don't eat brains teach the surrounding zombies eating monks to no longer have to eat monks and then you have a group that can heal zombieism :D i guess it's so exciting we'll send T_T :(