Personal Statement on the Nature and Potential of #NotMyPresident Protests
Good size anti-Trump protest just went by the cafe'.
Large. Larger than the anti-Iraq War protests that happened here.
Led by students. Not Prog-libs (who will undoubtedly try to grab
organizational control to repressively desublimate the anger).
MAYBE the feeling their student loans might vanish could drive
them as hard as the feeling they were going to be drafted and sent
to Vietnam did in the late 60s/early 70s. We'll see.
I DO WANT TO NOTE that people should reject the notion that these
protests are 'planned by Soros' as some sort of Oligarch driven
'color revolution'.
The protests weren't planned.
The ELECTION RESULTS that DRIVE the protests were rigged by them,
and yeah, they KNEW that protests would happen, but that doesn't
translate to meaning they have a speck of control of the results
The rage IS righteous, and NOT misled. IF the protests maintain
their focus on a rigged election bringing a Racist Fascist to
power in the US, SOMETHING might "Break Bad" for the good.
Ps. [Image] +111