On 3/10/21, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
VICE: The US Definition of ‘Broadband’ Is a Joke. https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7av3n/the-us-definition-of-broadband-is-a-j...
“For years, we have seen billions in taxpayer dollars subsidize network deployments that are outdated as soon as they are complete, lacking in capacity and failing to replace inadequate broadband infrastructure,” Senator Michael Bennet wrote. “We need a new approach.” Yes the approach is called get the Govt and Corps out of the internet biz. Get with your neighbors and voluntarily lay your own guerilla fiber, peer to peer, owned parcel to owned parcel, across communities, farms, rivers, oceans, around the globe. Half the cost, twice the speed, encrypted, distributed uncensorable piecewise ownership and maintenance. You should have done it decades ago the moment meshnets became possible. Quit begging and paying at feet of GovCorp to keep putting you under their net servitude, spyveillance, and ongoing theft of your monthly $dollars into their political and profit coffers further propping up their powers over you stupid sheeple... wake up! Fiber is cheap, switches and RF and 1G/10G ports and even PON are all cheap cheap cheap distributed onetime investments paid for by as each neighbors node cuts the monthly GovCorp cord, shovels and beer and pizza are cheap, and opensource unix OS and routing protocols are free... less than one year of GovCorp monthly internet fee$... under $1000... gets you at least 10 years of 10Gig multihomed redundant link to two different neighbors... instant filesharing and voice video calls gaming and servers among all local peers, as the network grows to surpass traditional internet... go knock your neighbor's door and start building it, together. Ebay... Intel X520-DA2 10Gb 10Gbe 10 Gigabit Network Adapter NIC Dual Port E10G42BTDA $100 1 KM/1000M FTTH Indoor/Outdoor Single Mode 2-Core, Flat Aerial GPON Fiber $340 Board computer, tooling, boxes, etc ... It's that fucking cheap, one time, per node, wake up!!! The net slavery GovCorp is trapping you under does NOT end well. Escape it. Build it, Yourselves, Now!