Very fine response actually. There are many most intriguing fine details and aspects which can be used in legal hackerspaces. Most want to tech hack, not law hack though ... there be a primary block. That don't stop some amazing and enjoyable hacks very possible, some even easy, though :) On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 02:03:58PM -0500, Xer0Dynamite wrote:
Show me the Law(s) that makes it so.
On 9/21/16, Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
On 09/21/2016 11:20 AM, Xer0Dynamite wrote:
Like Lessig's "Code is Law". LAW is also CODE: it's the Operating System for your Government. Presently: bloated and with a few design flaws. Fortunately, it's Open Source. Muhahhhwhahaaa
But the hardware it runs on, the the Judicial-Industrial complex and it's activating mechanism the Law Enforcement-Industrial Complex, are closed source.