2014-03-23 3:14 GMT+01:00 <tpb-crypto@laposte.net>:
I can't answer to all your concerns separately as it seems you have got one very big problem: you are into computers, but you have trouble compiling - merely compiling - programs for OpenBSD.
Given the amount of unix knowledge involved I don't think that judges me at all. Maybe you judge me for my lack of unix skills, which I would easily admit are lacking.
You are in the same boat of Karpeles and Ulbricht, they also were barely able to code some interpreted language and they were overwhelmed by the intricacies of the systems they were building. Until they finally brought disaster for themselves and everyone that depended on them.
I don't feel comfortable being put at the advanced PHP magic level. I doubt it's fair to my skill. Ulbricht actually did pretty well. Bringing disaster is also avoidable on many different levels.
In order to grasp the seriousness of things, you gotta start with something simpler which doesn't require so many security skills, like games. Then you build up your knowledge until one day you can make your own exchange.
Making games will not help you learn security at all. It might make you learn coding fast and dirty. They're totally different styles.
But until that point, it is irresponsible to try as you have well noticed.
Do or do not. There is no try.
Regarding the rest of your concerns, everything can be dealt with properly, but it takes years of learning. There's a reason computer security professionals are amongst the most well paid employees which big corporations and rich governments only can hire.
It's most likely the lack of appeal of a security job. It takes more than learning actually, it takes inventing.