On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 19:38:09 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com>
On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 18:51:39 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Rights_Watch Theirs is a marvelous statement of the problem, but sadly it does not offer any kind of solution. Therefore, I am convinced that HRW will view positively my idea.
Oh yes. I'm sure a proxy of the pentagon would love 'your idea'. You surely are not delusional eh Jim.
Human Rights watch is complaining about the ease with which the Fed Courts can convict Federal defendants, a problem that has long been known. They state the problem very well, focussing on the issue of drug crimes. Yet, they do not even hint at a solution. Assuming they are serious about wanting a solution (why should we suppose otherwise?)
We should suppose otherwise because if they really wanted a solution they would be doing something meaningful by now. But you are free to make any proposition to them I guess. Their answer might be entertaining. If they bother to return your call.
I will be showing up with a solution which might cost as little as $10 million per year for the entire country. What's not to like?
So in the land of Free, if you cross a red light, the government will accuse you of 'money laundering', 'drug trafficking', 'sexism', 'mass murder' and some other things. You can confess and renounce your 'right' to a 'fair trial' or you can be charged with 100 more fake charges. I'm not seeing how $3000 per govt victim will fix that. The system is completely corrupt by design. And has been polished for hundreds of years. Good luck 'hacking' it.
And what sort of 'news' does HWR publish...let's see....
"Syrian Government Responsible for Chemical Attack"
Yes? I am not vouching for the accuracy of anything else HRW publishes.
Fine. I just check the stuff they publish to learn what their agenda is...
Surprusing! Chemically pure US military propaganda. Just the > kind of stuff that non-delusional Jim Bell likes to promote...Jim was ranting about Syria IIRC.
So on second thougts it's hard to tell if HWR would be interested in 'your idea'. On one hand you are aligned with their fascist program. On the other hand, from the point of view of advertising, you are a liability....
You are being contradictory. You claim I'm "with" them, and then you claim I'm not. Decide on a position and stick to it.
Or maybe I'm just commenting on your contradictory position =P
The importance of the involvement of HRW will not be as a sole source of funding; rather, I think it will open the door to its own funders, such as George Soros. I have little doubt that HRW will ratify my idea.
YEESSSS. I'm 100% sure soros will love you! Hey Jim shouldn't soros be #2 on the murder prediction markets?
If Soros (or any other person) refuses, this will reveal information about him. HRW has already identified the problem. Should he refuse to assist in a solution? If he does, you can use that refusal to explain how he's a tool of [fill in the blank].
OK. So I'm looking forward to HRW's answer =)
1) trump 2) soros
What deos a libertarian like you have to say about soros Jim?
I don't have to like any specific person to get help from him.
Fair enough. Maybe he will even donate some dollars to the AP fund...
Jim Bell