once upon a time, long long ago (again), traffick boss was a powerful chipmunk in a happy woodland full of chipmonks traffick boss retained his power by bullying and coercing the other chipmunks to give him their tree seeds. he would growl and dart menacingly toward the other chipmunks, and this would remind them of how foxes acted when they were about to get eaten, and they would run, and then traffick boss would take their stash of tree seeds. but then one day, one of the poor oppressed chipmunks had an idea, and it spoke to the other chipmunks. what did it say? everybody knows what it said: “if we work together, we can resist this traffick boss guy! there are so many more of us than there is of him!” traffick boss was mobbed by hungry chipmunks and exiled to a neighboring happy woodland. in the neighboring happy woodland, traffick boss learned from his previous experience. he thought to himself: “i’d better not let the other chipmunks talk to each other, or they could overthrow me. i need to isolate them, and take charge of there communications.” and he thought to himself: “i need to teach them to not believe or admit ever that i am stealing their seeds or scaring them”