You couldn't make this stuff up in 1984. Ladies and gentlemen, at least we see (attached) a youthful in spirit "woman with ovaries" from Germany. She's not just any woman, she's a true punk, and doing some serious jail time for her unwillingness to surrender to the fact that in Germany certain facts are less equal than other facts, and even when you're 88 years old the (((German leadership))) will slam your 88-year-old arse in jail for DARING to challenge Israel's World War II narrative: Ursula Hedwig Meta Wetzel, aka Ursula Hedwig Meta Haverbeck-Wetzel November 8, 1928 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_Haverbeck (Well worth reading to fully comprehend the magnitude of the stand this courageous woman is taking in the face of this egregious, unconscionable and immoral deprivation of her personal freedom by the (((German government)))! ) Here's a woman with more guts than many on this list - in the face of not only the tyrrany of years of social and public ostracisation for speaking her mind, she does so in Germany under the threat of jail, and from directly within the German gulag! She's a living fact, confronting the madness of the cotton wool demanding Antifa's screaming "Nazi!!" at every joke they don't like, at the gobsmacking fact-denial of the world renowned Jewish "science" professor loudly proclaiming his "most cited professor in history" status, Mr Noam Chomsky, and every cowardly soul who dares to demand that the world comply with their pathetic cries for safe spaces and the criminalization of simple fact-based speech. Have no doubt folks: To those with agendas, facts, and science, are a threat! and those who wish to talk about certain politically incorrect "less equal" facts shall face the wrath of (((the chosen ones))). If ever an aspiring punk needed inspiration, this one of the best, no less for the fact that this is now, IN YOUR FACE, WORLD!!! which the staunch 88 year old Ursula provides to every single one of us. Thank you Ursula Haverbeck-Wetzel! Thank you for you being an inspiration for your country (to those not yet totally dead in spirit), for your people, and for a future for the children of your people. This is the most succinct, topical, current, confronting to the point of shocking example of the evil steadily pervading our world today folks, so if this be your intention, spread the word that fellow thoughtful and decent souls might join in this understanding of the war we are in, right now. ----- Forwarded message from Jim <jim.sovereign@optusnet.com.au> ----- Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 14:34:26 +1000 Subject: ′Nazi grandma′ Ursula Haverbeck sent to prison for holocaust denial ------ Forwarded message ------ From: Old Fritz <latter Subject: Re: ′Nazi grandma′ Ursula Haverbeck sent to prison for holocaust denial FRG = Fraudsters Run Germany - BRD = Betrueger Regieren Deutschland - What can someone expect from this despicable gutless boot-licking leadership of International Jewry! MERKEL-FERKEL-PIGDOG-SCHULZ - I know nothing!!!!!!! _____ From: Lavone Darnel <ldarnel@telus.net> To: Undisclosed-Recipient@ Sent: Wednesday, 30 August 2017, 8:18 Subject: ′Nazi grandma′ Ursula Haverbeck sent to prison for holocaust denial Dear Rosemarie and Guenter, When I read your forwards that they had sent Ursula to prison my stomach dropped down to my toes. I was looking on the internet for current articles today but none are posted yet. Ingrid Rimland wrote this excellent article on December 24, 2015: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/12/24/holocaust-deniers-of-the-world-unit... and this one gives a list of previous sentences in different courts: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=10800 Lavone ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: The Last Outpost Date: Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 1:13 PM Subject: ′Nazi grandma′ Ursula Haverbeck sent to prison for holocaust denial <http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/nazi-grandma-ursula-haverbeck-sent-prison-holocaust-denial-1637098> http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/nazi-grandma-ursula-haverbeck-sent-prison-holocaust... holocausthidingsomething -----