Give the grandfather's situation, I can understand the suit in this case. Personally though, as much as I dislike Windows, Win10 has been a pleasant experience for me comparative to XP, 7, and especially 8. Granted, I don't have a great deal of use for Windows generally, and my usage is restricted to inside VMs. Dunno what it would be like on the iron. Nevertheless, it is pretty cool to get a check from Microsoft.
Microsoft paid me $650 to scrub Windows 10 from my grandpa's PC, says man
Microsoft has paid the relative of an Alzheimerâs patient for having to sc7rub his PC clean of Windows 10.
Jesse Worley said he'd received a cheque for $650 from Microsoft â seen by The Register â which he told us he'd received after threatening the giant with court action over an unwanted Windows 10 upgrade. ===
Don't know if this is true, theregister appear yellow journos.