On Thu, Feb 24, 2022, 1:50 PM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Warning: I clicked some of the support links and they do support aiding Ukraine's military as foreign citizens. I do not support prolonging conflict.

> By "warning" I mean "trigger warning" . Make your own decisions about what to support. The "general resources" link goes to pages that look more pointedly community-oriented than this one. Most of the facebook charity links appear to no longer work for me from the usa.

I'm really sorry for Ukrainian citizens. They were the victims of Ukrainian politician.So you're actually thinking of helping the U.S. Army.When it comes to America's partners, you're all ready to be super-hero.You support America because you like to suck the blood out of the Middle East?

Where were you when America was torturing people in Cuba? Mr. emotional, LOSER
Where were you when the Iraqi children were abused?
2000-2001: U.S. gives the Taliban $245 million in aid.America has been an escort for the Taliban to enter Afghanistan.Afghan women had been active in humanitarian relief organizations until the Taliban imposed severe restrictions on their ability to work.
Where were you when innocent people died and Afghan women were tortured?
Where were you when the kids in South Africa were working as workers?
Where were you when America were literally sucking their blood?

All these people had lives.
No one here has done anything except one person.Moat People in here shut up Because lives of these people's don't contribute to their social status.But Julian Assange wouldn't shut up,He is in jail.That's why I'll always defend his freedom.You're all cowards, except Assange and a few people here.He wasn't afraid and hesitant when he leaked them, But the cowards here have criticized his personal life.And why is that? Because it's easier to be a Whore of America.It's easier being a coward.You can't all speak freely here, hiding behind fake identities.

I've been writing here with my real identity for a while.I'm not hiding anymore, because leaked a lot of things, resisting fascists gives me strength.I believe that when we make most things public, we can be free