On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 14:31:28 -0500 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
On 02/28/2017 12:09 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
"Documenting Hate" Project:
"Have you been the victim of a hate crime? Have you seen others attacked for their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, trans status, disability, or sexual orientation? Tell us about it so we can investigate." - Peter Aldhous
A crime is a physical act that violates the property or person of another by force or fraud. "Hate crime" is an abstract social construct, where the /motives/ for crimes are framed as legally actionable violence in and of themselves. Criminalization of motives, enhanced sentencing guidelines based on the "hate crime" concept, etc. does constitute criminalization of opinion and prosecution of thoughtcrime.
Exactly so. It would be great if Cecilia noticed this point =P
Criminalization of /speech/ our knee-jerk Liberals find intolerable has not yet been attained - but not for lack of effort by advocacy organizations funded by them for that purpose.
As comments from racist trash in this thread indicate, the "hate crime" concept fuels the racist trash narrative
'course, the left wing fascists from propublica and the right wing fascists like james donald are close cousins.
by giving them a /genuine/ case of systemic persecution against "their kind" to raise hell about. At least in the United States, Liberals care far more about proving their own moral superiority
I think that one of the main purposes of 'political correcteness' is to camouflage the crimes of the 'progressive' 'liberals'. Liberals are child murdering racists like any other good anglo-american. If they want to ban things like racist speech that's only because racist speech is bad advertising AND shows their true nature. The US government and its supporters can murder people all over the world for fun and profit BUT it's important that their true motives (like racism) be not known.
than in getting the results they /claim/ to be working for, so they are more than happy to keep pouring fuel on this fire.
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