Those who hail democracy (fewer these days) yet e.g. voted for Hillary "Benghazi Butcher" Clinton, failed a fundamental spiritual test: You don't like pussy grabbin? OK, sure, some folks don't... Don't like a father dating anyone as old as his 16 year old daughter? Sure, you'll likely find others who agree with you... Really opposed to tax cuts for the rich? Well, you're entitled to your Socialist dogma... But voting for Hillary Clinton? THAT is unforgivable! Ms Clinton has a sordid, war mongering, murdering, and "rape hoax" hoaxing past. And millions of American's either failed to at least check out Clinton's actual basic facts/history, and/or overlooked all her evils, and, it appears, millions still would do so today. When your corporations (Google) and military continues to drone Arab weddings, helicopter gunship random reporters and children in vans "into their place", and fuels, funds and provides weapons to known jihadi suicide bombers and your MSM proclaims them "moderate jihadis", and you STILL vote for those calling for more of this evil... ...you are collectively, tacitly, and arguably actively, supporting the evil of your own government. In today's connected world we cannot claim "insufficient access to the needed information". On a collective view of the North American citizenry, y'all got a debt to pay. This debt gonna paid by the collapse of the USA empire. This is inevitable to those who do even a little research, yet is ignored by the majority. So, now is the time to stock up or start your guns and ammo collection, now is the time to establish any prepper plans you have left idling on your bucket list, no is the time to hoard a few handfuls of silver coins so you have at least -something- to trade with when the $$ crash and re$et arrives - even if this lasts only a few weeks, and not years as in the last great depression, those few weeks, or months, might just be a critical and Soul searching time for you and those whom you love. Get your "house" in order. Now is the time, muffas!