Saager Enjeti and Krystal Ball                 

Jim Bell's response:

It sounds like there are MANY stories here, but at least one of them is that the FBI has apparently been ‘sitting on’ this information since December 2019. To help Biden win, we can conclude.

“The Deep State” strikes again.
But this story should have been released months ago.

25 years ago, I invented the Assassination Politics idea, which became the AP essay.

Since then, I have virtually NEVER named specific people, or small groups of people who should be targets of AP.   For reasons that I have considered obvious, I have long believed that people are usually able to decide for themselves who the real enemies are, and when the time comes, they will do so.  But there is now an emergency.  

At that time, 1995, if you had asked me, I would have predicted that all of the first 1000 targets of AP would be government employees, mostly higher-ups.  

But now, Twitter and Facebook and YouTube have clearly and unambiguously declared war on at least half of humanity.  And the other half are too stupid to realize why they shouldn't be celebrating.  By doing this, they have irrevocably crossed a critical and seemingly uncrossable line, which as Saager says, cannot now be uncrossed.

Ask me today who could the targets be, and I would ask: “How many people are in the top 3-4 layers of administration of the companies Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and quite possibly Google as well.   Since they are openly declaring war on us in an ideological war, I believe we should accept THEIR decision and be forced to be openly at war with them.  

Yes, it’s THAT serious!  At this time, THEY are the most serious threat to our society.  

          Jim Bell

On Thursday, October 15, 2020, 05:00:57 PM PDT, grarpamp <> wrote:

The Senate Judiciary Committee plans to issue a subpoena on Tuesday to
Twitter Chief Executive Jack Dorsey after the social-media company
blocked a pair of New York Post articles that made new allegations
about Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, which his campaign
has denied. From a report: The subpoena would require the Twitter
executive to testify on Oct. 23 before the committee, according to the
Republicans who announced the hearing. GOP lawmakers are singling out
Twitter because it prevented users from posting links to the articles,
which the Post said were based on email exchanges with Hunter Biden,
the Democratic candidate's son, provided by allies of President Trump.
Those people in turn said they received them from a computer-repair
person who found them on a laptop, according to the Post.
"This is election interference, and we are 19 days out from an
election," Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), a committee member who discussed
the subpoena with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham
(R., S.C.), told reporters. "Never before have we seen active
censorship of a major press publication with serious allegations of
corruption of one of the two candidates for president."

YouTube said Thursday that it would no longer allow content that
targets individuals and groups with conspiracy theories, specifically
QAnon and its antecedent, "pizzagate." From a report: "Today, we are
taking another step in our efforts to curb hate and harassment by
removing more conspiracy theory content used to justify real-world
violence," the company announced on its blog. The new rules, an
expansion of YouTube's existing hate and harassment policies, will
prohibit content that "threatens or harrasses someone by suggesting
they are complicit in one of these harmful conspiracies, such as QAnon
or Pizzagate," the post read. YouTube said it would be enforcing the
updated policy immediately and plans to "ramp up in the weeks to

YouTube said this week it would remove videos from YouTube containing
misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, expanding its current rules
against falsehoods and conspiracy theories about the pandemic. From a
report: The video platform said it would now ban any content with
claims about COVID-19 vaccines that contradict consensus from local
health authorities or the World Health Organization. YouTube said in
an email that this would include removing claims that the vaccine will
kill people or cause infertility, or that microchips will be implanted
in people who receive the vaccine.