On 5/13/22, Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Boss: "It isn't."
There is a pause. Entities look at each other.
Zombie Marketer: "When I started the research program, I was full of myself. I wasn't thinking of your pain. I didn't understand."
Boss: "Actually, I started it. Many of us worked together."
Bundle of Organs looks at Boss and Zombie Marketer.
The purpose of the behavior that follows is to help Boss and Zombie Marketer understand. Zombie Marketer said he did not understand. It's confused some because Boss said Zombie Marketer was lying.
Bundle of Organs makes a high-pitched shrieking noise, which continues for some time, sometimes stopping briefly before resuming again. Robot lifts up Boss and Zombie Marketer, and holds them in front of recordings of the research project.
At one point, while the recordings are at a point where Boss is laughing with others, at the vivisection, deaths, and failed struggles of the subjects, the recordings are paused with a frame of laughter showing. [shrieking either stops or reduces].