NAZI Zenaan Harkness preaches race-war & Genocide in Au "... Nothing quite says 'slanderer' like responding reflexively without even bothering to read your source material..." Source material from " The Daily Stormer " and David Duke? Why do I need to read that? I mean feel free to quote the non-Nazi bits here if you can find any. Recipes, hide-curing, soap-making, tattoo tips, etc. "... Oh and of course nothing quite says 'anarchist' like clamouring for government resources...." Bit like complaining about techno-fascism online, eh! But the squeaky wheel gets the grease. "... Ego much? Or just dick size? ..." I know this is hard for a Nazi eunuch, but try both. NAZI Zenaan Harkness preaches race-war & Genocide in Au Attention 5-VEY ( Five Eyes specifically ASIO )