Another Libertarian and crypto oriented candidate, that many overlooked during the enrapture of the US sheeple by the tired 2-party system, drew some good polling results... https://aria4sheriff.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzhPHQZ1aYY Aria DiMezzo Wins GOP Nom on the Vanguard Podcast Ep48 https://www.wmur.com/article/new-hampshire-county-race-results-2020/34541028 https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/iyzx6j/im_aria_dimezzo_the_trans_... 647 comments I'm the high priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church, host of Free Talk Live, and transgender anarchist who received the Republican nomination for sheriff in Cheshire County, New Hampshire. I'm an advocate of peace, love, and human connectedness. https://y8h.d77.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/20200924_124641-1... I'm a voluntarist. It isn't my fault that so many socialist anarchists refuse to accept the validity of anarcho-capitalism. If socialism works for you and your community, great, as long as it's voluntary. It's just my personal belief that free markets are probably going to work best for the most people, but this is just a personal belief, not to be forced on anyone. As Sheriff, my department would enforce no laws against victimless crimes, and would instead police the police to similarly prevent the Cheshire County police departments from turning people into victims of extortion, harassment, and kidnapping as the police departments enforce these victimless crimes. ... https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/09/18/metro/how-transsexual-satanist-anarch... Get your troll on, punks.