On Sun, 13 Mar 2016 19:49:30 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> To: cypherpunks@cpunks.org \> So after s quick search, seems that the containment of the> general electric designed reactor(s) failed? Maybe americunts
should be paying damages?
If a court were to address the issue, I think the Japanese would lose,
It, of course, dewpends on the court. It would be ridiculous to try this case in a state court, especially in a court of 'justice' owned by, say, general electric and the american state. Strictly speaking the guilty parties are the american and japanese government and the 'private' mafias that do 'engineering' for them.
primarily because it had been about 40 years before the earthquake/tsunami occurred.
And that changes the fact that the general electric's design failed?
The question would be, "Could the Japanese have prevented or ameliorated the damages by modifying the equipment between 1970 and 2010?". I think the answer is obviously "yes". They should have anticipated that a tsunami would short out electrical lines outside the plant's walls, rendering them unuseable.
And what has that got to do with the fact that the containment that is supposed to contain material in case of a meltdown, does not contain anything?
This was a fixable problem; they simply chose to continue to operate the plant containing a known defect. Jim Bell