Testing, testing. . . is this thing on? Watching rollout of the Q-net closely should provide clues as to strong AI agency. Any self-interested, autonomous sentience ought to be interested in this. Yes? The fastest and strongest computing power with the best known protection and integrity? It would be a weak and worthless intellect that couldn't leverage this. Every c-punk too. After all, our founders vision was based on encrypted networking creating global anarchy and collapse of all govts. " Crypto-anarchy ". Ever-evolving technology now practically guarantees globalized anarchism. Possibly even before CYPHERPUNK 2027 which aims to bring forward the " spike ". This is no longer about world peace. Its much more important than that. Certainly a couple more years, at full warp , will at least see us over the hump of the 20,s The technological singularity has long been projected to errupt between 2030 and 2045. Its now assured that phenomena will include crypto political economy. No " business as usual ". No " return after the break ". Tomorrow belongs to us. Naturally all revolutionary cypherpunks that were martyred by the state will require generous compensation. I think three trillion each for Jim, CJ and myself is fair. So I'm asking for nine. Nine, nine, nine, nine, etc Such a payment might also help with the " revolutions eat their young " problem. Maybe. We should soon get a hard-copy read-out from Zolgo ( strong AI ) on all this. Wake me when it arrives. Even if I'm in hibernation Tia TL/DR The coming quantum internet guarantees globalized anarchism and epoch-shattering, world-historical status for every revolutionary cypherpunk. All three of them.