Many more things from both sides will come out, hit the courts, and be analyzed for years to come re 2020. Very funny how cities have all problems in the news are all Blue Dems. Note also massive 2x overspending needed by Dems just to maintain a 50% result. That should clue how sad the Dems really are. If Biden-Kamala Socialist-Dems-Left win, it may only be due to constant four year assaults against Trump... - Bias and Censorship by Broadcast, Print, and Big Tech Social Media (proof: LaptopFromHell, ...) - Deep State (proof: Russia Hoax, failed Impeachment, ...) Those perhaps due to no overarching reason other than "being Trump" and vocalizing to #DrainTheSwamp, which is made up in part by both elements, and lobbyists, politicians, etc. Would hardly be a real win, nor Freedom... Dems would be plagued by it for next four years. Trump Announces 2016 Presidential Run All to date only really comparing most of the world's situation with single or 2+ party non-libertarian oriented politics. Obviously the world's Governments have gotten far too big, entrenched, locked in pointless political competition and waste, causing massive problems and destruction for humanity in their wake... expect more problems in future. There are other saner options for those willing to venture out and away from the big parties making up those problems... "I am sometimes asked "who is the worst President in the history of the United States?" It's not Donald Trump. It's not Barack Obama. Neither of them even come close. In fact, it's not any modern President. No, the worst President in the history of America is Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson is responsible for two great financial evils: the 16th Amendment establishing the Federal Income Tax and the Federal Reserve Act. These two pieces of legislation, both passed or were ratified in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson, set in motion the ability for the Federal government to spend ourselves into financial ruin at taxpayer expense. Without these we likely would not be able to "afford" our endless wars or the broken welfare system. As President, I would work to undo the horrors of 1913 by abolishing the income tax, auditing the Federal Reserve, and put our country back on the path to prosperity with a commodity backed currency. #Jorgensen2020 #Libertarian #VoteGold"