On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 7:17 PM, oshwm <oshwm@openmailbox.org> wrote:
On 22 February 2017 17:02:50 GMT+00:00, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
oshwm wasn't being offensive or aggressive. He/she (I don't know
No, i was being an arsehole :)
Arseholes are primarily used to excrete fecal matter, but also can be used in more interesting ways and give pleasure. Your choice. :)
whether is a girl or a boy, never needed to ask it) was just
Is that important to you?
Absolutely not, you should be what makes you happy and comfortable. The problem exists only when I need to mention you or use Latin languages and need to make grammatical concordances.
No, Eugen threatened to leave the list if we didn't do as they wanted - as if they were doing us a great favour by blessing us with their 'presence'. Eugen's participation is for their own benefit, any benefit we get is a side effect and can be gained from multiple sources.
If he decides to write and share technical stuff, I swear I will feel blessed, sweetie. I like his posts and it would be amazing to read something more 'cypher' than 'punk' here. He still writes on other lists and his posts are interesting.
This is supposed to be Cypherpunks, not cypher-rather-nice-gentle-ppl and as such the noise is as important as the signal (imho of course).
I don't like too much noise, but it can be inspiring to some of us. Mozart wrote an amazing aria inspired by his mother-in-law's hysteric whining and it's pretty beautiful, impressive. The aria, not the whining, of course. :)
The calls for moderation have made me wonder if they are attempts by some 3rd party (grubbyments?) to take control of something they haven't been able to defeat and to subdue it to the point that participants walk away from something that no longer stands for anything worthwhile.
So many possibilities...
Although the irony of my response did give me cause to smile.
Oh, I know the feeling very well... ;)