@sand_frac Holy shit! @Txrrc is tired of being embarrassed by my drone footage of @Chevron's blowout, and has petitioned the FAA for a no fly zone around their blowout. WTF is going on in Austin? How big of a check got written in San Ramon? What’s happening here? The beatings will continue until moral improves We have an opportunity to do some amazing things with water. Or we can continue to ignore the issue with the same old crony capitalism! #dobetter #sarah4rrc Let’s worry about seismic activity instead of my pasties. M 4.2 - 55 km S of Whites City, New Mexico… I won’t sit quietly while our current regulators take money in exchange for favors (ahem toxic waste permits). The rules apply to everyone - no special treatment for campaign donors. We are not protecting our groundwater. We must be stewards of all natural resources.
How many times can I vote?? We are Republicans - only once.
Her priorities are to put Texans to work in the energy sector, prevent federal intervention, and establish ways to measure and evaluate the commission’s efforts with an eye toward rewarding innovation. She ultimately hopes to change the RRC’s culture while bolstering both environmental stewardship and economic success. Fire them all! $100,000 donation 'casts a pall' over Texas regulator's approval of fracking fluid disposal site. Early voting starts today. I’m the only candidate for @txrrc who isn’t taking money. I’m the only candidate with a law degree. I’m the only candidate willing to expose the naked facts - we have to do better. #sarah4rrc In Texas, 484 produced brine discharges are permitted to discharge a total of 1.4 X [10.sup.8] liters per day (8.7 X [10.sup.5] barrels per day) (Texas Railroad Commission, unpublished 1988 data), a high percentage of which involve tidal stream or estuarine receiving waters. This investigation documented influences of production brines on water quality and fish communities in a Texas coastal stream typical of some Gulf Coast receiving waters. Petronila Creek is unique in having an eight-year history of data Environmental group finds 'significant plumes' of methane leaks in Permian - and yet @txrrc still claiming less than 1% lost #dobetter #sarah4rrc Are we ready to have difficult conversations about aging infrastructure? Will lessons be learned or everything shrouded in privilege? Life is never more fun than when you're the underdog competing against the giants. [Search domain] › 2022 › 02 › 23 › laptop-hard-drive-stolen-from-rrc-candidate-sarah-stogners-vehicle-week-before-election Sarah Stogner joins Jason Spiess to talk about her vehicle being broken into in Midland, Texas. The only thing that was stolen was her laptop and hard drive. ... stranded and undervalued gas throughout the oil and gas industry by using it as a power generation source for bitcoin mining. We bring the market and our expertise to the molecule. Our ... The Texas Railroad Commissioner Race Sees Major Transition ... [Search domain] › 2022 › 02 › 14 › to-hot-to-handle-the-texas-railroad-commissioner-race-sees-major-transition — Sarah Stogner (@Sarah4RRC) February 14, 2022. and Instagram too. ... stranded and undervalued gas throughout the oil and gas industry by using it as a power generation source for bitcoin mining. We bring the market and our expertise to the molecule. Our solutions make producers more efficient and profitable while helping to reduce flaring ... I can vouch that @Sarah4RRC is extremely smart. She figured out this whole subsurface blowout a month before the red bucket well came to surface. She warned Blackbeard and saved them from a blowout. I was trying to host a debate for this 🤡 show RRC election, but it’s not going to happen. Here’s my synopsis: Sarge Summers - Boomer AF, not sure he’s even worked in the oil industry Tom Slocum - Big heart, little brain Sarah Stogner - Most legit IMO, smart and an attorney. @Javi_TX If she's elected and I hope she is, I'm going to buy a banana hammock, shave my pubes and run for governor.