Hi, Greg! Hope you and all those you love are doing well and feeling pretty happy! :D
Sorry for disturbing you were the list's problems, but may you help here, please?
Pardon, dear, I didn't snip the old messages to show you, more or less, the sequence of the events.
May you give a help to Jim, please?
Thank you so, so much since now!!! Love you!!! <3
Much love, CypherPunks! Take care, be happy, and celebrate! It's Friday!!! :D :D :D
On Friday, January 10, 2020, 06:40:28 AM PST, John Newman <
jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
>To add to the spam - I got it three times.
>His point was you could look at the archives, if it's in the archives
you can feel quite confident that it made it to the list. And if was in
the archives.... Three times.
But TWO times it WAS NOT SENT TO ME! THAT is the failure of which I am complaining. That is a discrete claim of a defect which, so far, nobody in a position seems to be interested in solving.
The reason I was signed up to receive those special confirmations is that a few months ago, the same thing happened to me.
Jim Bell
Jim Bell