Cool story bro.

Anyone else who downloaded it care to share/compare hashes? If hashes differ, can then check diffs?

On 30 December 2014 12:17:16 GMT+00:00, John Young <> wrote:
Cryptome does not pretend to provide illusory security, that is security.
It is a vile, rotten, corrupt endeavor, like life. Chuckle.

Visitors, readers, consumers must be skeptical of security, and not rely
upon security promoters, their followers and investors who exploit
dependency by fear uncertainty and doubt.

Skepticism of security claims and methods is one of the purposes of
these lists. Perhaps the main purpose, although it is commonplace for
these lists to be used for soliciting befuddled consumers to hop aboard
the gravy train. Now and then skeptcism of the security arises but is usually
suppressed during times of crisis when incentive is rich to promote poor
products and services. Governments, commerce, orgs, experts cooperate
to foster crises under guise of opposition.

This applies to all forms of security, safety, protection, defense, hygienic

Still, Cryptome endorses the continuing struggle to improve citizen
protection, not only as a job, career, industry, but as citizens' obligation
to bear responsibility for the commonweal against its inside and outside
enemies, if you will, common math against the deadly germs.

One way to do that is to not oversell it, tone down the threats, reduce
drumbeating, avoid hyperbole for and against, forego advertising,
gang-bang hectoring, circle jerk conferencing, TEDing, prize bestowing,
to quietly invent, improve, critique, test, apply, re-test often, expect to
be deceived by colleagues witting or unwitting, especially by sales,
politicians, authoritarians -- the persistent germs.

At 02:50 AM 12/30/2014, you wrote:
john likes to be poetic as a wall - dear john please listen to the smart people and have a small bit of humility - it will make you better at your job and we need EVERYONE to step up and be better at their jobs

On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 7:38 AM, grarpamp <> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 8:20 AM, John Young <> wrote:
> Hash this motherfucker, said math to germ.

JYA, you, as the original publisher of various and valued datasets...
the responsibility to calculate, sign, and publish said hashes rests with
you alone. Please consult with any trusted parties should you need
assistance in such matters. A future of archivers, disseminators, and
analysts will thank you.

Cari Machet
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