| DNSBL for known intelligence community IPs? Sure they rotate a lot, but | if we can make the cost of doing business higher and higher with no real | benefit, someone should eventually cut the funding. Start tracking what | companies are providing IP services via contract and then blacklist the | IP blocks of those companies. I really don't care if I ever get an | email from Stratfor or they ever visit any of my sites. | | Had the idea all of about 60 seconds before trying to write it down, so | I am sure I am forgetting something (or somethings). This is the future, Sir, a dramatically balkanized Internet. What you suggest is what many, perhaps most, countries wish at the level of state policy. 12mars.rsf.org/2014-en/enemies-of-the-internet-2014-entities-at-the-he art-of-censorship-and-surveillance/ Today is the golden age of search. Savor it. --dan