The recent xkcd ( ) has this text: [ rocket launch area ] "There are reports of thunderstorms in the downrange area." "The range safety officer has ordered a launch hold." "But the range *danger* officer wants to launch the rocket toward the biggest thunderstorm." "Okay, why do we even *have* that position?" mouseover: "The Range Mischief Officer has modified the trajectory to add a single random spin somewhere in the flight, but won't tell us where." I've of course been seeing similarity to these topics more and more in xkcds. Occasionally it looks patent, but usually can be attributed to my focuses. The idea of a range danger officer is both quite similar to a persecutory alter, as well as similar to the misuse of AI (which started most visibly with its use in political conflict). This basic pervasive idea of specifically pursuing bad decisions. Sadly, this is going on. One of the reasons touted for this is to draw attention to concerns. Perhaps the most obvious of these concerns is rational communication, and the protection of accurate information and wise education. [Some could see the attack on the white house as possibly the most brazen demonstration of there being more and more danger and mischief officers, and fewer of those pursuing true safety ... ?] [ ... --