Do not post anything related to _oronavirus, _OVID-19, -019nCoV,
_ehovah, _od, _evil, _ezzlebub, _rump, _eth Rich, _ssange,
_ikiLeaks. _ust _TFU. _hx.
At 07:03 AM 3/7/2020, you wrote:
>Ebay's unfree market bans virus related listings
>In a notice to eBay sellers posted Thursday and spotted earlier by
>CNBC, eBay said it would block new listings and remove existing
>listings in the US for disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer and face
>masks, including N95/N100 masks and surgical masks.
>eBay also said it will remove any listings, except for books, that
>mention COVID-19, coronavirus or 2019nCoV in the title or description.
>It's unclear how long the ban will last.