You might recall that I've proposed an alternate anonymization network, perhaps based on Raspberry Pi computers, analogous to TOR.

It could be hosted by ordinary people, or small businesses.  Perhaps all outputs would be encrypted, at least enough so that everyone could act as an output node: even if monitored, there wouldn't be  any plaintext that could be understood.

Other than the initial hardware cost, around $85 (?) per unit, there would be a continuing cost of about $50/month, based on a recent price from Centurylink for 100 megabits/second service .  I believe that includes an 'unlimited' data, which is probably necessary for a heavily-used system, especially if it is expected to include 'chaff', dummy-traffic. So, a cost of $50,000/month, or $600,000 per year.

Perhaps the sponsors of the network would subsidize about half the cost of the Internet service:. After all, the host of the node gets to use it as well.

  I think that there was a lot of discussion of anonymization, on the Cypherpunks list in the mid-1990's.  From remailers like onwards.  

What could have prevented people, at least ordinary Cyberpunks, from building their own anonymization network?    Did they have to make it illegal?  No.

It turns out it was easy: GIVE THEM ONE!  For free!  Call it TOR.  Somehow, that was enough.  For the cost if implementing TOR, they have somehow succeeded in preventing development and implementation of any alternative.

It isn't as if there's no need.  Imagine a dark market that does a gross business of $1 billion/year.  They should be willing to finance a $600,000/year anonymization network. Or 0.06%.

And there will likely be multiple 'customers' for the anonymization 'market', so the costs will be spread further.

   Jim Bell

On Dec 14, 2021 4:44 AM, Steven Schear <> wrote:
My friends at the NEAR <> Cypherpunk Guild <> are keenly looking for cypherpunk-oriented development that, ideally, also promotes NEAR. Both grants and investments are possible.

If you are a developer and have a cypherpunk project in mind or are already working on one, I recommend you join the discussion and introduce yourself via one of the methods recommended on their website.  


On Dec 14, 2021 4:44 AM, Steven Schear <> wrote:
My friends at the NEAR <> Cypherpunk Guild <> are keenly looking for cypherpunk-oriented development that, ideally, also promotes NEAR. Both grants and investments are possible.

If you are a developer and have a cypherpunk project in mind or are already working on one, I recommend you join the discussion and introduce yourself via one of the methods recommended on their website.  


On Dec 14, 2021 4:44 AM, Steven Schear <> wrote:
My friends at the NEAR <> Cypherpunk Guild <> are keenly looking for cypherpunk-oriented development that, ideally, also promotes NEAR. Both grants and investments are possible.

If you are a developer and have a cypherpunk project in mind or are already working on one, I recommend you join the discussion and introduce yourself via one of the methods recommended on their website.  


On Dec 14, 2021 4:44 AM, Steven Schear <> wrote:
My friends at the NEAR <> Cypherpunk Guild <> are keenly looking for cypherpunk-oriented development that, ideally, also promotes NEAR. Both grants and investments are possible.

If you are a developer and have a cypherpunk project in mind or are already working on one, I recommend you join the discussion and introduce yourself via one of the methods recommended on their website.  


On Dec 14, 2021 4:44 AM, Steven Schear <> wrote:
My friends at the NEAR <> Cypherpunk Guild <> are keenly looking for cypherpunk-oriented development that, ideally, also promotes NEAR. Both grants and investments are possible.

If you are a developer and have a cypherpunk project in mind or are already working on one, I recommend you join the discussion and introduce yourself via one of the methods recommended on their website.  


On Dec 14, 2021 4:44 AM, Steven Schear <> wrote:
My friends at the NEAR <> Cypherpunk Guild <> are keenly looking for cypherpunk-oriented development that, ideally, also promotes NEAR. Both grants and investments are possible.

If you are a developer and have a cypherpunk project in mind or are already working on one, I recommend you join the discussion and introduce yourself via one of the methods recommended on their website.  


On Dec 14, 2021 4:44 AM, Steven Schear <> wrote:
My friends at the NEAR <> Cypherpunk Guild <> are keenly looking for cypherpunk-oriented development that, ideally, also promotes NEAR. Both grants and investments are possible.

If you are a developer and have a cypherpunk project in mind or are already working on one, I recommend you join the discussion and introduce yourself via one of the methods recommended on their website.  
