1606 i got irft to match numpy [i partly cheated and trimmed the number of frequencies to match numpy's, skipping more thoroughly understanding the fourier transform] now to scale its frequencies to match the waveform's frequencies freq2period : frequencies are fractions of the total number of samples, so a frequency of 0.5 is a period of N. max_period is already set using the idx_wav2rec function, so it should represent what's right okay ... um ... so the question is, what is the waveform frequency, in the simulated recording? it has max_period, so the frequency would be max_period / N; its first fourier component would be at 0.5 * max_period / N, right? no, not quite: 0.5 is the nyquist frequency ... not sure ihave these frequencies right. 0 is infinite period 1/N is a period of N. freq = 1/period . so the first non-DC fourier component would be 1/max_period, I think ... [and the phase of this could be used to align with it] looks like that's what it already is maybe it'll work better at this time. 1613 1620 it doesn't reconstruct the subwave yet, even when i set it to exactly half period. it looks to me like the reason it doesn't reconstruct it would be simliar to the reason that the fft/ifft doesn't invert for me, if i add extra frequencies.