30 Jun
30 Jun
6:09 a.m.
Finally LG and Samsung are beginning to reach "basic minimum specs for ideal monitor" - 49" ultrawide for immersion, 120Hz+ refresh for gaming (note, the LG is only 60Hz 'business class'), 5120 horizontal pixels, although in this case only 1440 vertical pixels - basically two side by side 27" 2560x1440 monitors without the bezel, which is pretty awesome. The ultimate business/ programmer's monitor? Similar size, but with dual (side by side) "4K" resolution - ie. 7680x2160, and then your premium resolution is 10240x3840 (four "5K2K" monitors equivalent resolution). https://www.samsung.com/au/monitors/c49rg9/ https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-49WL95C-W-ultrawide-monitor