https://gizmodo.com/authorities-consider-taking-legal-action-against-facebo-... https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-nevada/bad-blood-allegations-of-di... Instead of spending nothing, local authorities are already considering taking legal action to cover $250,000 the county plans to spend to prepare for the potential onslaught of visitors. Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee told Gizmodo that as of Wednesday morning, people had already started arriving at A'Le'Inn. "Matty Roberts is the one that started this on Facebook. So our district attorney, his opinion is that Matty Roberts and Facebook stand to be partially to blame for this" Lee told Gizmodo. "He's already told people that this is quote-unquote 'His event.' He told some of the other event promoters that this was his event. And so I guess if it's his event and he's taken ownership of it then we know where legal action should go toward. I'm not an attorney but that is what Lincoln County district attorney is saying." Facebook is protected from legal action regarding content created by one of its users under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, but it's possible that the district attorney may argue that this particular circumstance wouldn't be covered by those protections. issuing permits was the only way to control the surge of humanity that will come Meanwhile, instead of becoming partygoing poseurs, diehard Naruto runners are assembling at the gate.