This is old, but I don't do windows. In addition the screenshot of the phone appears not privacy friendly to me. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/06/30/windows_10_wi_fi_sense/ <quote> Those friends include their Outlook.com (nee Hotmail) contacts, Skype contacts and, with an opt-in, their Facebook friends. If you wander close to a wireless network, and your friend knows the password, and you both have Wi-Fi Sense, you can log into that network. Wi-Fi Sense doesn’t reveal the plaintext password to your family, friends, acquaintances, and the chap at the takeaway who's an Outlook.com contact, but it does allow them, if they are also running Wi-Fi Sense, to log in to your Wi-Fi. The password must be stored centrally by Microsoft, and is copied to a device for it to work; Microsoft just tries to stop you looking at it. How successful that will be isn't yet known. The feature has been on Windows Phones since version 8.1. If you type the password into your Lumia, you won’t then need to type it into your laptop, because you are a friend of yourself. </quote>