On Fri, 2 Sep 2016 18:40:49 -0700 Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
It's quite obvious that you are a troll rayzer. You are subscribed to a mailing list devoted to principles you hate.
Really? I don't think I've given you enough data to make that call,
Come on rayzer, stop pretending to be that stupid. All the data I have about you is the nonsense you post in this list. You are the only one here whining about feudal libertarians. And interestingly enough, you never bother with guys like say Stephen who certainly would fit your feudal (i.e. fake) libertarian type.
but I hear your friends at the FBI haz pretty good social-characteristic algorithms
sure - keep trolling
(and you hate those principles because you are a piece of commie shit)
I am not, nor have I ever been, "A Communist"
Which flag do I burn to prove that?
OK - so you are not a commie and you didn't mention the arch-commie marcusse when I asked about sources for...whatever nonsense you were saying at that time. Fine. Not a commie. And you are not a libertarian, correct? You actually detest libertarians. So what are you? What's the political philosophy that is left when you reject the pure and noble science of communism and libertarian feudalism? I'm hoping you are not so stupid as to miss the point that anything between radical communism and radical libertarianism is even more retarded than radical communism...
That's why you're a fascist. You're entitled to disagree with my sociopolitical philosophy and I don't refer to that as trolling.
But it is trolling. If I were to join your private club FASCIST-MARXISTS-DOT-COM and complained about if being choke full of marxist like you, I would be trolling.
That is what you do here.
It seem like I spend an inordinate amount of time responding to your trolling, if you want to call that trolling. But in reality I'm just hoping my responses make you ... SPECIFICALLY YOU (cop) ... wolf down an extra shot, take an extra mood med, od, and the world WILL Be a better sun-shiney place.
That's trolling. You made me do it.
It's no different from the rest of your posts.