I'll just take that as "no, I won't post a hash", then. 29/12/14 13:20, John Young wrote:
From discussion on these lists and elsewhere tampering with data can, does, occur at every software and hardware hand-off, with each self-serving iteration having hidden and vulnerable hardware and software undisclosed malignity, no matter the security ostentatiously applied: reputation, credibility, impeccability, highly trusted, crypto, hashes, fail by ruses of unexamined modules and inevitable, unavoidable deceptions of too little skill, too little time, too little suspicion, driven by need to pay alimony, debts, IRS, loutish family's begging.
Selected hand-offs of innumerable:
Multiple devious inventors, manufacturers and handlers inside and outside NSA Devious NSA leaking like a sieve to madly grabbing everything devious Snowden Snowden madly shoveling everything to multiple exceptionally devious media persons Multiple media persons to hyper devious lawyers, publishing staff, tech experts, govs consulted Devious selections of data to publish, then revised, then corrected DEvious posting on outlet web sites and shoveling to cohort journos Devious "authenticating" of docs (the prime deception)
Deviously orchestrated subsequently:
Downloads of docs Sharing of docs Archiving of docs Dropboxing, torrenting of docs Biased analysis and cherrypicking of docs Multiple tagging and piggybacking and implanting of docs Shading, smearing, vaunting, lying about docs Accusing and defending about docs Writing, lecturing, TEDing about docs Dismissing of docs, the threat, the countermeasures
Then deviously shipping, shopping fools to take blame by signature-bold leaders of pro and con opportunities or to a prize ceremony for valorizing the criminal prize-funder and bestowing generous tax avoidances.
These vulns and subterfuges and braggardies are as old as comsec, hyperbolized by the digital era for rep building, monetizing, and political ideology. These lists survive on ingesting these toxic fumes and expel multiple recyclings of them for jingle-jangle of gullible consumers, here as in in the spy agencies working the yokels.
"NSA" or some monstrous threat -- God, Google, Cisco, MS -- is inside our skulls and peripherals, left brain in mortal combat with the right brain, digital vs analog. Or so we imagine the two halves pretending opposition like officials and anarchists to outfox deviously malign genitalia orchestrating brain to slave at getting food, air and water -- rigging the mind game to lose after 60-70 years of wanking the slot handle obsessively.
Hash this motherfucker, said math to germ.
At 03:02 AM 12/29/2014, you wrote:
Suggestion: Anyone with a correct version, post sha512 hashes to list. Those with hashes matching John: Do *NOT* change filename, make a single-file torrent, and start seeding. Should have same info-hash, so should simultaneously seed from same DHT node. John can post a magnet link here (or the torrent file on cryptome?) and we can get a verifiable version through P2P.
On 29/12/14 06:33, Peter Tonoli wrote:
On 29/12/2014 3:50 pm, Gregory Foster wrote:
On 12/28/14 10:07 PM, Ryan Carboni wrote:
CRC failed in 'media-35515.pdf' file is broken http://www.spiegel.de/media/media-35515.pdf
I guess this is why John never promised anonymity to his sources, he can't get zip files right. Zip worked for me. Thanks, John. Failed for me, using both UnArchiver and UnRarX :(