https://techxplore.com/news/2019-10-method-enables-person-walls-candidate.ht... https://www.ece.ucsb.edu/~ymostofi/papers/MobiCom19_KoranyKaranamCaiMostofi.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyllo_v._United_States https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/02/us/dna-testing-immigrants.html https://www.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/senate-bill/1606 The Trump administration is moving to begin collecting DNA samples from hundreds of thousands of people The new rules would allow the government to collect DNA from children, as well as those who seek asylum at legal ports of entry and have not broken the law. They warned that United States citizens, who are sometimes accidentally booked into immigration custody, could also be forced to hand over their private genetic information. And unlike the testing under the pilot program, the results would be shared with other law enforcement agencies. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/motorola-company-known-cellphones-fast-... The surveillance tools have been installed in schools and public housing, deployed on roads and public transit, and worn by police officers. They've been developed by an array of technology firms competing for government business. And many are now owned by a company seeking to grab a bigger piece of a booming market. Motorola, a brand typically associated with cellphones and police radios, has joined the race among tech firms to deliver new ways of monitoring the public. Since 2017, the Chicago-based tech company -- now known as Motorola Solutions, after Motorola spun off its mobile phone business -- has invested $1.7 billion to support or acquire companies that build police body cameras; train cameras to spot certain faces or behavior; sift through video for suspicious people; and track the movement of cars by their license plates. By consolidating these tools within a single corporation, and potentially combining them into a single product, Motorola Solutions is boosting its stature in the surveillance industry -- and amplifying concerns about the government's growing power to watch people almost anywhere they go. "Your privacy is more protected when information about you is scattered among agencies and entities. When all that is unified under one roof, that sharpens the privacy issues," said Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst for the American Civil Liberties Union, where he researches technology's impact on privacy. "I don't know exactly what kind of synergies a company like Motorola Solutions might get from assembling all these pieces, but in general it's a scary prospect."