Patrick Byrne, founder and ex-CEO of overstock.com breaks it down fo y'all: Patrick Byrne: China Is Taking Us Out From Within https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/patrick-byrne-china-taking-us-out-within … Byrne pointed out that the Chinese regime is engaged in “a slow coup.” “It’s a revolution. The stages of such a revolution are very well mapped out. We understand this. It’s demoralization, disorientation, crisis, then normalization: those four steps.” … “Political scientists can tell you, to steal the United States you don’t need to cheat in elections everywhere. You need six counties where you cheat the heck out of those counties. And you can flip the six states that they are in and thereby flip the Electoral College and steal the country.” … Byrne pointed out that thousands of people risked their lives to testify in affidavits, telling of the fraud and irregularities they witnessed. “So those are the four stages we’re going through, and it’s my assertion that the hand of China is behind this.” [And here's the punchline, though one could well say that Mossad had the notable head start on this study:] … “What the Chinese did is they studied us, and they saw that corruption is our weakest point. And they infiltrated us, and they corrupted exactly institutions that they needed to corrupt in order to allow what’s going on now to happen.” “In 10 years, there’ll be prison camps with organs being harvested just as there are in western China,” Byrne went on to say. “So we cannot bend a knee to this under any circumstance.” The Chinese regime has been killing Falun Gong practitioners for their organs for more than 20 years, according to a panel of experts who attended a virtual conference hosted by the advocacy group Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) on Nov. 19, and independent investigations. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us-lawmakers-prepare-bill-aiming-to-stop-force... https://chinatribunal.com/ Talking about the upcoming Jan. 6 rally in Washington, Byrne said that “this is your last chance.” “If you bend the knee to this rigged election, they have corrupted the most elementary concept of our tradition, consent of the governed, and you never will get another chance.” Byrne studied the Constitution’s principles when he was young. He has a master’s degree from Cambridge University as a Marshall Scholar and received his doctorate in political philosophy from Stanford University. He indicated that the “core atomic concept” in the United States’ liberal tradition is the consent of the governed, which is determined by free, fair, and transparent elections. “We do not bend the knee. This is what makes us different. And all over the world, there are people looking to us, hoping we show that we are the exceptional country. This is our chance.” On Sat, Jan 02, 2021 at 01:07:00PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Religious freedom under Mao's CCP regime: Lin Hao Chen's true story:
Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China | "A Youth of Bloody Tears" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao7AaxmTlaA
There are regimes and there are regimes.
Choose wisely fellow pepes,
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 11:12:41PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
[[Courtesy an adjournment on the Court's own motion...]]
Want an understanding of the human qualities which may be developed in the face of suffering, persecution, living in fear and the rest?
Need a reminder of where things can go?
Nothing quite like a true story.
See 'Tube below for the true story of Li Chenxi, beginning when she was 13 years old in China in 1998, and her family were arrested and her father was beaten in front of her for participation in a "home gospel reading".
In this retelling, she walks us through this and subsequent big events in her life, including jail, humiliation and torture, up until around 2014
"In China, a sense of fear permeates everything."
Create your world,
----- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> -----
From: Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> To: pepeusa@mac.com Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 22:06:28 +1100 Subject: re "Will Confucius Marry Marx"..
Dear Pepe Escobar,
I really appreciate your writings, and most recently your piece "Will Confucius marry Marx?" posted at Asia Times and reposted at The Saker and Zerohedge.com (at least).
With the descent of the USA empire into significant chaos and uncertainty, the cries against (e.g. Trump) of "so much Sinophobia" have felt a little unbalanced over the last year.
This article of yours has brought some genuine balance to this public conversation - there are real, even foundational idiological, issues re China, and it is counterproductive to sweep them under the rug and thereby imply "don't worry about China, trust China, China is just fine".
The first step to moving to solutions to problems / to a better future, is understanding the problems of today, and to this end your (and others of course) work in deconstructing and analysing these problems around the world, is really valuable.
So thank you, I appreciate your work.
A good friend recommended the following, which I have just watched:
2020 Christian Movie | "Branded" | 28 Years of Bloody, Heart-rending Persecution by the CCP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF-eQwccT1c
It's a retelling (or dramatization I guess you call it) of one girl's true story of being a Christian in China beginning when she was around 13 years old in 1998. If you have not seen it yet, it is a historical snippet that is part of a jigsaw.
It appears to me on this viewing that the CCP is sowing the seeds of its own demise.
Kind regards, Zenaan, from Australia
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