Who cares about these personalities and their websites? Who cares if JYA is jerk/whacko/nerd/wizard mage? 
You should assume he is an attacker, just like everyone else.

Getting caught up in this he-said-she-said is totally, ultimately, absurdly pointless.

Who cares about cryptome keeping server logs? If you're worried about showing up in logs then you ought to be using TAILS. JYAs logs are just less accurate copies of what the TLAs, his hosting provider, their upstream peers, the guys on the lower floor at the PX & the memory scrapers implanted on his server already keep.


On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:28 PM, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:
Mike Best should keep digging, hardly scratched the surface of yards
way too fenced by secrecy.

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