It were write that:
You are in the same boat of Karpeles and Ulbricht, they also were barely able to code some interpreted language and they were overwhelmed by the intricacies of the systems they were building. Until they finally brought disaster for themselves and everyone that depended on them.
True but inevitable. Humans can design systems more complex than they can then operate. The financial sector's "flash crashes" are one, but only one, public proof-by-demonstration of that fact. I predict that the fifty interlocked insurance exchanges for Obamacare will be another. It is likely that any cryptocurrency exchange that is center-free and self-mobile is harder still. The HTTP Archive says that the average web page now makes out-references to 16 different domains as well as making 17 Javascript requests per page, and the Javascript byte count is five times the HTML byte count. Above some threshold of system complexity, it is no longer possible to test, it is only possible to react to emergent behavior. Even the lowliest Internet user is involved -- on the top level page for a major news site, I found 400 out-references to 85 unique domains each of which is similarly constructed. If you leave those pages up, then because most such pages have an auto-refresh, moving your ass to a new subnet signals to every single advertising network that you have done so. --dan