On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 3:12 AM, Bethany <groundhog593@riseup.net> wrote:
This is good clean fun.
They are not engaged in a clean fight against you, so why try to bullshit them and play games with baloney phrases like that.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xipI-0HU010
Secret surveillance programs have metadata too. The same people and companies that operate secret surveillance programs also publish details about their work on the open internet. Transparency Toolkit has been building open source tools to collect and analyze this open source intelligence. This talk discusses how we can use these data sources and tools to build a sousveillance state that holds the surveillance state accountable.
See also names at: http://cryptocomb.org/ Physical and virtual doxing has been going on in the darknets for years. Even sites for AP and other accountability services have popped up.