On 09/29/2016 06:13 PM, xorcist@sigaint.org wrote:
On 09/29/2016 04:05 PM, xorcist@sigaint.org wrote:
Well, considering that he was taking it hard,
How do you know?
When I first heard he died, I read a few articles that were kicking around about it, and his family and friends had mentioned it, along with his financial troubles. Or, at least I seem to remember it that way, at any rate.
Some of his escapades are the stuff lost weekends gone lost years are made of.
Have you ever heard of a psychological Fugue?
Yeah, it could be.. but it doesn't take something as extreme, or rare, as a disassociative state to explain this, I don't think.
Trust me. It IS NOT rare. Further, there ARE varying degrees... Leading to missing persons posters for adults who simply wanted to get lost. A lot of that in the computer industry historically. A LOT of that action ends up here. Where I live. The location being NOYB. Rr
Hard drinking and clinical depression alone is really enough, by itself. If you're trying to numb depression over losing a loved one while having your finances get all fucked is enough to drive a lot people over the edge in one way or another, especially if you're the type of person that bases their self-worth on such things. Which, in our society, unfortunately, is most people.
The again, a sudden shattering of self-worth can be the type of thing to cause a disassociative state, so .. who knows.