Hey Marxos, Feel free to break in and connect as soon as you disagree about something I say here. I was thinking about how the development of the human body is similar to the shape of our cultures, next to these ideas of government surveillance and artificial intelligence. Looking at how oppression is collecting and moving, including recent surprising shapes, it seems pretty clear a group of people are trying to decide that they are the brains of the earth, and want others to move to their willpower. This is something that is hard for me to hold and believe, because of what I've been through. Since it's a struggle, obviously whoever is most determined about their part in it, hasn't reached their goals yet. We could maybe infer from the booms of global disruption, a little about how those struggles are moving along among the people who want to dominate. Personally I don't believe that there will be a human global dictator, in the long term. I don't have any religious training. What are your thoughts?